My wife has been put in charge of providing snacks for our Church's Children's chapel.
This week we went over the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector that waited in the tree just to get a look at Jesus. It's a long complicated story about social hierarchy, expectations of how we will be treated, repentance, forgiveness and acceptance.
Kind of a lot for 4 year olds.
Me, I just saw a bunch of little kids and was reminded that Jesus once said, "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God"
But the kids sure loved the treats...
Keep scrolling down for this easy to follow recipe...
Keep scrolling down for this easy to follow recipe...
OK... here's what I did...
Zacchaeus In the Tree
Waiting for Jesus
Rice Krispie Treats
Waiting for Jesus
Rice Krispie Treats
- 24 bite size Kit Kat Bar single "trunk"
- 24 Sour Gummy Bears (for Zachaeus)
- 1 Stick (1/2 Cup) Butter
- 1 Big Bag (16 0unces) BUT FRESH Miniature Marshmallows
- 9 Cups Generic RICE Krispie Rice Cereal
- 10 Drops Green Food Coloring
- First, let's make the rice krispie treat "Leaves" of the tree, In a LARGE Microwave safe bowl, add marshmallows and butter, zap for 30 seconds, stir to mix, repeat until marshmallows are just melted... Do NOT over heat. I zapped three times, 1 minute 30 seconds total.
- Stir to mix and combine, while stirring, add food coloring 2-3 drops at a time to get desired color.
- Add the Krispie Rice Cereal to the green marshmallow goo and mix. Fold until the krispies have also become colored.
- Allow to cool while you prepare the "Trunks. Separate the pieces of a fun size Kit Kat Bar.
- Make 24 small Golf Ball size balls of Rice Krispie Treats. Flatten slightly. Insert one "trunk" into the bottom of the flattened ball. Add a Gummy bear (and tell the kids it is Zacchaeus sitting in the tree waiting for Jesus!
- Serve Chilled and ENJOY!!!

Ages ago, literally almost a half century ago I was listening to our pastor talking about a PotLuck Dinner. It happened to be scheduled around a church work day when we were expected to weed, polish and do general cleaning and maintenance around the church (you know, back in the day when there were no no-wax floors and church pews smelled of Old English furniture polish). I am of course paraphrasing, but as I recall the pastor said,
"A potluck, like a church requires work. At a potluck everyone is expected to contribute.. At a church no one should come empty handed and no one should leave unfed".I will confess that in my youth I brought more store bought plastic spoons and forks than I ever brought covered dishes and crock pots of fresh made love and caring delights. But now that I have become a hobbyist cook, I occasionally am reminded of those days and people from my youth. I reminded and I do wish that I could drop a dish of some new creation on those old tables at my fondly remembered Liberty Baptist Church. Tables covered with newspapers and loaded with God's bounty prepared with love and caring... Enjoy

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