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Just darn near the cutest thing you can imagine!
Easy to make, a little time consuming and dangerous if you have the slightest amount of OCD and insist that all of the dolphin's noses are pointed in the same direction, all the same height and all with an equal sized open mouth for inserting the fish.
But just about the cutest thing you can imagine!
And the kids LOVED them. My wife committed herself to providing Children's themed snacks for our Church Sunday School. Which means I get to make them.
This one was a KEEPER, child friendly, almost healthy and FUN to look at and to eat!
Keep scrolling down for this easy to follow recipes...
OK... Here's what I did...
Banana Dolphins in Jell-O
12 Medium
2 packages
Blue Jell-O (I used Bubble Gum flavored, yuck but the kids LOVED it!)
24 Swedish Gummy
Fish (one for the Dolphin's Mouth, one floating in the Sea of Bubble Gum Jell-O)
12 Clear Plastic
High Ball Glasses
Sharpee Marking Pen
to draw the eyeball
Cooking Directions
First, make the Jell-O. I make mine, each box in a separate 9X13 large casserole dish. This way you get a thin (about 1/4 inch) layer of Jell-O that can be cut into small blocks to make the waves. Let this set overnight.
Slice the bananas about 6 inches long. You will need to adjust the slice so the bananas will stand up on their own in the glass. Also, make a slit into the long end of the banana (the stem) so the fish can stick in the open mouth. and finally draw the eyeballs on the bananas where the dolphin's eye would be.
Stand the bananas up in each glass, pour the thin blocks of jello into the glasses, insert a fish into the "water" as well as the fishes mouth.
Serve Chilled and ENJOY!

This recipe has been added to my growing list of "
52 Church PotLuck Dishes"!

A list of something NEW worthy of being shown off at a neighborhood BYODish (Bring Your Own Dish) Party, a Family special occasion dinner, Any Big Holiday Gathering or of course that glorious day when you bring a dish to share with your Church family...
Ages ago, literally almost a half century ago I was listening to our pastor talking about a PotLuck Dinner. It happened to be scheduled around a church work day when we were expected to weed, polish and do general cleaning and maintenance around the church (you know, back in the day when there were no no-wax floors and church pews smelled of Old English furniture polish). I am of course paraphrasing, but as I recall the pastor said,
"A potluck, like a church requires work. At a potluck everyone is expected to contribute.. At a church no one should come empty handed and no one should leave unfed".
I will confess that in my youth I brought more store bought plastic spoons and forks than I ever brought covered dishes and crock pots of fresh made love and caring delights. But now that I have become a hobbyist cook, I occasionally am reminded of those days and people from my youth. I reminded and I do wish that I could drop a dish of some new creation on those old tables at my fondly remembered Liberty Baptist Church. Tables covered with newspapers and loaded with God's bounty prepared with love and caring... Enjoy

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