Well, in addition to the obvious to any 7th grader, this recipe is musical since your guests will indeed be SINGING your praises!
This is my latest version of THE WORLD's BEST BEANS! Among grillers and Backyard BBQ aficionados, you can measure a man's worth by the quality of his home made bean recipe. This recipe is indeed spicy enough to get the attention of a Texan. BUT, it is also sweet enough that any Kansas housewife will still enjoy.
I am starting to make large batches of this recipe at a time. Not only does it go fast, but just in case, freezes nicely. Less than an hour's hands on work and you have GREAT beans for a year! Freezing tip, squeeze out all that air. It's the air that causes freezer burn.
But the beauty of this recipe is cooking for a crowd. Church Social, Big backyard extravaganza or for that catering job, this is the recipe you need.
With one caveat...
My Home made Spicy Texas Steak Sauce!
Double click the photo to the right or follow the blue letter link to my recipe. The sauce is a spicy version of A-1 Steak Sauce. In fact, if you prefer you can substitute A-1 Steak Sauce for the home made sauce (You will lose BBQ Guru Points, but acceptable). But, most of the spices for the heat in the beans comes from the spices in the sauce. If you do use A-1 Sauce, to get the same taste, add more Chili Powder (about 4 TBS), Cumin (Another 2 TBS), Coriander (Just 1 TBS) and Garlic powder (1/4 Cup) to the mix.
As with all recipes, adjust the heat to your personal taste. More if you like, less if you prefer. Taste in every stage of the process.
So, here you go. A terrific catering recipe (if they are paying for it, you always want to serve something special). A fantastic "Master of your Domain" Backyard BBQ recipe (Anyone can sear a steak on a grill, true Masters serve something special). And of course something special to serve up at any Church social, Family get together or neighborhood potluck.
Go ahead, make the big version (although you could cut in half)... You'll be glad you did.
OK... Here's what I did...
Sweet and Spicy
Texas Beans
for a Crowd
Texas Beans
for a Crowd
- 4 Pounds Bacon, Thick Cut, sliced into 1/2 inch pieces, Fried and grease drained
- 6 Cans Bush's brand Country Style BBQ Beans, drained and rinsed
- 6 Cans Bush's brand Pinto Beans, drained and rinsed
- 6 Cans Bush's brand Spicy Chili Beans, DO NOT DRAIN nor RINSE
- 4 Large Sweet Onions, Chopped
- 2 Cups Brown Sugar
- 1-1/2 Cup (12 Ounce Bottle) Mollasses
- 1/2 Cup Dry Mustard
- 4 Cups TEXAS STEAK SAUCE (Can substitute A-1 Steak Sauce)
- 2 Cups (16 ounces) Tomato Paste
- This is a dump and simmer recipe. Dump all ingredients into a LARGE roaster or LARGE Baking Dish.
- Set roaster for 225 degrees and simmer for 12 hours, stirring occasionally. overnight preferred. The longer and slower you cook the more the flavors mix and mingle.
- You can bake this in the oven, covered (again, LARGE Baking Dish), oven set at 225 for the same overnight cook.
- Note: Freezable, love those ziplock freezer bags, one days cook and you have a years worth of beans!
- Serve Hot and ENJOY
Well over 52 recipes actually as I just can't stop... Over 100 in one grilling season (I love to grill!). But not just leat... Drinks, Condiments (LOTS of different BBQ sauces), Drinks, Desserts... even specialty items like GRILLED Pizza, and fun shaped Watermelons. Easy and these ideas will make you the MASTER of your Backyard Domain!
Sure the meat gets all the glory but real cooks know it's the spread... the specialty Side Dishes that makes a meal rise or fall. Here's a few of my favorite recipes that will help to create that illusive COMPLETE MENU!
LOTS of Potato Sides, Vegetable Sides, Specialty Salads, Bread and MORE!
From meat dishes (Like an AMAZING Root Beer Pulled Pork that will feed a small army), to kitchen staples (FREE Gallon of Chicken Stock anyone?) to a slew of Soup and Stew recipes, these are the dishes that will change the way you cook. Start in the morning, set and forget and dinner is on the table... Easy Peasy indeed!!!

Ages ago, literally almost a half century ago I was listening to our pastor talking about a PotLuck Dinner. It happened to be scheduled around a church work day when we were expected to weed, polish and do general cleaning and maintenance around the church (you know, back in the day when there were no no-wax floors and church pews smelled of Old English furniture polish). I am of course paraphrasing, but as I recall the pastor said,
"A potluck, like a church requires work. At a potluck everyone is expected to contribute.. At a church no one should come empty handed and no one should leave unfed".I will confess that in my youth I brought more store bought plastic spoons and forks than I ever brought covered dishes and crock pots of fresh made love and caring delights. But now that I have become a hobbyist cook, I occasionally am reminded of those days and people from my youth. I reminded and I do wish that I could drop a dish of some new creation on those old tables at my fondly remembered Liberty Baptist Church. Tables covered with newspapers and loaded with God's bounty prepared with love and caring... Enjoy

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