And so are Beer Braised GRILLED Brats! Easy, delicious and sets your brats above and beyond the rest of the neighborhood... Just one more way that will help make you recognized as "The Guy" (or Gal) when it comes to backyard grilling!
All of the prep work is done in advance. Brats are raw sausage (as opposed to hot dogs which are precooked). But they also come with a casing on the outside to hold the meat n shape. This casing needs to be punctured to allow the beer to seep into the meat. Release your inner WOLVERINE, grab a couple of toothpicks and dive in a couple of dozen holes throughout the brat.

As in all cooking, the quality of the beer does matter. It's better to drink less than to drink watered down light beer. I prefer to shop local, drink local. Here in Kansas City there is a wonderful local brewer, Boulevard Beer. I selected their Single Wide I-P-A, India Pale Ale. You only need to cover the brats about half way up their sides, I have a smaller crock pot that works great, only needing one bottle of beer.
Slow heat the beer (not even a simmer, low heat) for about an hour, turn the brats and slow heat for another hour and you are ready to grill!
The brats will cook fast, so a high heat just to char the outside is all you need! Go ahead, toast the buns and add a pot of beans and you have a low effort, just a few minutes of hands on work yet a FANTASTIC BBQ meal!
I did make the meal a little more festive.
Once the brats were grilled, I dressed them in separate ways.
From simple Onions and Pickles (Pickled red onions, I guess not as simple, but they sure looked colorful and of course delicious).
More traditional Sauerkraut, Mustard and tomato slices.
To a more exotic grilled pineapple and bacon.
Just a tad more festive I cut these into thirds and put each piece on a skewer to make a variety pack, sort of a Beer Brat Shish Kabob.
Jackie and I had a guest, made three shish kabobs bit left a couple of brats Naked in case someone had other preferences for toppings (but everyone wanted a Beer Brat Shish Kabob).
Like I said...
And the
(And Delicious)
Everyone knows about cooking with wine, but BEER has so much more complex flavors. I imagine the day after beer was invented, someone made an Irish Stew. Cooking with beer infuses recipes with this intoxicating concoction of hops and barley in an effort to enhance and enrich everyday food.. Come take a look, sure to have something you might like to try. All recipes have been tested and WORK!
Well over 52 recipes actually as I just can't stop... Over 100 in one grilling season (I love to grill!). But not just leat... Drinks, Condiments (LOTS of different BBQ sauces), Drinks, Desserts... even specialty items like GRILLED Pizza, and fun shaped Watermelons. Easy and these ideas will make you the MASTER of your Backyard Domain!
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