Since I assume that everyone has their Thanksgiving menu planned... Someone bookmark this for your Christmas table.
It was the best thing I made last Thanksgiving and now it is a tradition!...

Stuffing a turkey is bad. There is a risk of killing your family with food poisoning. While selectively, on the surface, not a bad idea, but food poisoning is not selective. Everyone goes. BTW, the risk is small, but it is there. But, more important (well, not really important, but more likely), you run the more real risk of overcooking your turkey in order to get the stuffing hot enough. Your bird will cook faster and more evenly if you leave the cavity empty. Or better yet, stuff a lemon into the cavity so the steaming juices will help moisten and flavor the bird...
So, why not a cast iron skillet recipe.
One pot (well skillet), cook, mix and serve all in the same skillet.
By cooking in a large oping skillet, you get the benefits of a big amount of crispy top, covering an equal amount of the creamy melt in your mouth savory bread pudding custard base. Everyone gets that wonderful contrasting texture in each spoon full.
And a side benefit, it adds a beautiful color to your buffet table. the Chorizo sausage has a beautiful red color that will infuse into the other ingredients, adding a golden amber color to the dish.
Now really... Isn't that better looking than a brown mushy stuffing.
Oh, one more thing to consider... OMG taste!!!
Chorizo sausage is a spicy Spanish mix of pork, peppers, paprika (lots of paprika) and other spices. It adds a just spicy enough taste to the dressing without being overpowering. Since it is nicely spiced, no need to add a lot of other spices to the dish. It does not have that sage taste that is in most stuffing, but then again, most stuffings do not have the Chorizo taste you find in this dressing! But if you really think you will miss it, you have my permission to add some sage to the recipe. I also did not use celery. Personal preference only, feel free.
Enjoy and Happy Holiday
OK, here's what I did...
1 loaf of bread cut into 1 inch cubes (or a bag of bread cubes)
8 TBS butter, divided
1 pound fresh Chorizo sausage
1 medium onion, chopped
2 Granny Smith apples cored, and sliced
1/2 tsp kosher salt
3 cups chicken broth
1 cup Buttermilk
1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/2 cup walnut pieces
4 eggs, beaten
- Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
- Break out the large heavy cast iron skillet. You will be cooking on the stove top as well as baking in the oven. Or, when it comes time to mix, you can transfer into a baking dish.
- Melt 4 TBS butter
- Brown the sausage in the butter. DO NOT over cook the sausage. You just want to take the chill out and slightly color the outside.
- Add the onion to the sausage and sautee for about 10 minutes
- Add the apple slices and sautee for another 5 minutes. If you like celery, add now as well.
- Add the broth and bring everything to a boil.
- Remove from the heat and allow to cool for 10 minutes.
- Top with bread cubes, add 1/2 of the parsley and sprinkle with 1/2 the walnuts (do not mix yet)
- Drizzle the buttermilk and 4 beaten eggs over the bread, as evenly as possible
- And finally, fold the bread mixture into the sausage mixture and mix gently. You want an even mix, but you do not want to over mix the bread cubes into bread crumbs.
- Move the skillet to the oven, 325 degrees for 40 minutes. You will see the bread cubes just start to brown. Now, drizzle evenly the remaining 4 TBS of butter over the top and add the final bits of parsley and walnuts.
- Return to the oven and finish browning the bread, about 20 minutes more.
Here are a few photos to give you an idea about what I am talking about...
Potatoes and gravy
Potatoes and gravy
Turkey and gravy
Glazed Sweet Potatoes with carrots and apples
Cajun corn
A pretty good meal!.
Sure the meat gets all the glory but real cooks know it's the spread... the specialty Side Dishes that makes a meal rise or fall. Here's a few of my favorite recipes that will help to create that illusive COMPLETE MENU!
LOTS of Potato Sides, Vegetable Sides, Specialty Salads, Bread and MORE!
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I'm going to have to be totally heretical and make this with soy chorizo...but make it I shall!