There is NOTHING IN THE WORLD like the satisfaction of a fresh made loaf of bread. Not only the taste, but the smell and not least of all is the satisfaction you get from pulling that loaf out of the oven. While there are plenty of complicated recipes calling for rising times, proofing, sometimes multi day steps to get just the right crust and even many types of ovens to get just the right mix.
This is not one of those complicated recipes.
Beer bread has zero rising times. Just mix and bake.
Beer Bread does not use any yeast. I remember back before I started making my own bread. If I heard the word "Yeast", I would break out in a sweat and move on to something else. While I am no longer afraid of yeast, I do remember the fear and terror of the unknown.
Beer Bread is a never fail recipe. HONEST. I have made this bread with all varieties of beer (yes, although I will warn about it in a minute, everything from light beer to a heavy Stout and about anything in between and I have never had a loaf fail on me.
I am including this recipe in my series of "52 Simple but Next Level Dishes". The recipe is simple, it is never fail, the finished product will indeed gve you bragging rights and a sense of accomplishment.
Like I said, nothing like a loaf of fresh made bread!
One note: While the alcohol does cook out, no one will get tipsy on a slice of this, the quality of the beer you use will make a difference. I like to use a local brewery, something small enough to take pride in their product. meaning deeper richer flavors than those beers available nationwide. Here in Kansas, we are home to Boulevard Brewery. I really like the bread made with this Bully! Porter. The dark roasted malts in this British style Porter is a bit strong for me to drink straight, but works wonderful for cooking with beer!
OK... Here's what I did...
Beer Bread -
The Easiest of All Breads
The Easiest of All Breads
- 1 Bottle (12 Oz) Beer, Flavor does matter, select full bodied Full Flavor (not light)
- 3 Cups Flour
- 4-1/2 tsp Baking Powder
- 1/2 Cup Sugar
- 2 TBS Butter, melted
- Pinch Coarse Grain Sea Salt
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
- Butter a loaf pan and set aside. In a large bowl, combine the flour, Baking Powder, Salt, sugar, and beer and mix well. The mixture should be sticky.
- Pour into the loaf pan and bake for 55 minutes.
- At the last 3 minutes of baking, remove from oven, brush the top of the loaf with butter, Sprinkle Sea Salt over butter and return to oven for 3-5 minutes.
- Serve WARM and ENJOY!!!
This simple recipe has been added to my growing list of "52 Simple but Next Level Dishes"!
Kind of an odd title for these posts. But the longer sentence is... Simple recipes that are easy and inexpensive that will take your cooking to the next level... Things like easy pickled items (I always have a jar of Pickled Red Onions for sandwiches in my fridge). Or how about the easiest bread to make in the world... Beer Bread that is tasty on it's own but also makes a wonderful open face pizza style sandwich... With easy to make Tomato Sauce. Or how about Roasting Garlic for a spread on toast points for a unique appetizer. Infusing Oil with Herbs or spices or spicy peppers. Or how about making your own BBQ sauce. Nothing sets you apart as a grill master like setting out a jar of your own specialty BBQ Sauce.
You get the idea. These recipes are very simple, take very little time but will set you apart as a better cook...
Everyone knows about cooking with wine, but BEER has so much more complex flavors. I imagine the day after beer was invented, someone made an Irish Stew. Cooking with beer infuses recipes with this intoxicating concoction of hops and barley in an effort to enhance and enrich everyday food.. Come take a look, sure to have something you might like to try. All recipes have been tested and WORK!
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