Monday, December 14, 2015

Raisin Bread made EASY in a Bread Machine - 52 Appetizer Recipes

Here's a fun one...

Thanks to a quirk of fate, my almost 2 year old great nephew and his mother my average niece live with us.

It takes a bit of adjustment, but the new additions are starting to become a real part of my family and routines.  Even adding a few new routines, such as bread making.

The little gem loves to watch me make bread.  We measure (bigger than, less than), we count numbers of cups of flour; but really he just loves to watch the machine run during the first couple of minutes of mixing.

Raisin bread has become his favorite, so I love to make this with him.

And like I said... Bread machine easy and delicious.  Much better than the store bought...

And yes, in my house, this loaf does have a little extra love mixed in!

Raisin Bread... Remy Approved!!!

 OK... Here's what I did...

Raisin Bread made EASY in a Bread Machine

  • 1-1/4 Cup Water, Warm, about 100 to 115 degrees
  • 3 Cups White Bread Flour
  • 2 TBS Powdered Milk
  • 2 TBS Sugar
  • 2 TBS Salt
  • 2 TBS Butter, Cut into 4 pieces
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 Cup Raisind
  • 1 Package Instant Bread Machine Yeast
Cooking Directions
  1. Follow the set up directions for your Bread Machine. Add the ingredients (in order) to the bowl of the machine.
  2. Set machine to the DOUGH SETTING and allow the machine to perform the mix, knead and first rise steps of bread making.
  3. When the machine has finished it;s cycle (usually 1 hour and 20 minutes to an hour and a half) and the bread has risen to the top of the lid (maybe an additional 15 minutes), remove the dough. Form into a ball
  4. Brush the top of the loaf with melted butter or Olive Oil (optional but will make your bread glow!).
  5. Preheat oven to 375 degrees, cover the bread with a damp (but not wet) tea towel and allow a second rise for 30 minutes.
  6. Bake uncovered for 22 minutes until the crust is golden brown and delicious looking.
  7. Allow to cool for 10 minutes before slicing. Serve warm and ENJOY!

So,  I am pleased to list this as one of my Growing list of  "52 Appetizers Recipes"!!!

From Dips and Salsas to everyone's favorite, Deviled Eggs; Appetizers will set the mood for something special. And make enough different ones and you have a Tapas Meal!

Links include Dips (Take a Look at the WORLD's BEST Guacamole recipe (and world's easiest to make), Salsas, Grilled Bites, Watermelon Art, and of course something with a spectacular presentation and taste... Take a look, something to match any occasion...


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