Monday, January 14, 2013

Fried Rosemary Potatoes (Patate al rosmarino)

Today is another twofer... Two Posts in a day.

Earlier today I posted the recipe for a delightful Spiral cut herb stuffed pork loin.  A dramatic look, full seasonings and the cooking technique makes for a moist and fork tender slice in every bite.  A winner!

I decided to make a potato Contorni (vegetable side dish course) to accompany the loin.  This is such a simple recipe, aside from my efforts to chronicle my year of cooking Italian, I can not imagine anyone seeing a recipe this simple on any other blog.

Enjoy Indeed!

 But, here it is, a very rustic, basically fried potatoes with herbs.  But it does have a name... Patate al rosmarino, or your basic fried potatoes with rosemary.

Fried Potatoes with Rosemary
(Patate al rosmarino)

  • 1 Medium Russet Potato per serving, cut into large thin slices
  • 3 TBS Olive Oil per serving
  • 1 TBS Fresh Rosemary, rough cut, per serving
  • To Taste, Salt and Pepper
Cooking Directions
  1. In a large Saute pan, over medium high heat, bring the olive oil to just below smoking temperature.
  2. Add the potatoes and stir occasionally so they do not burn and stick to the bottom of the pan.
  3. As they begin to turn crispy, drizzle with a bit more olive oil and sprinkle the rosemary, salt and pepper on the potatoes.
  4. Stir well one last time
  5. serve HOT and enjoy

As I said, I served this as a side dish for a wonderful pork loin.  A rustic dish that went well together.  I also made some ricotta stuffed sweet peppers that i will be posting about soon.

The potatoes were wonderful in their simplicity.  This is what i am growing to appreciate about Italian cooking.  Very simple, easy to find ingredients, simple cooking techniques but everything blends to make the potatoes taste their best.


So,  I am pleased to list this as one of my Growing list of  "52 Authentic Italian Recipes"!!!

Well over 52 recipes actually as I just can't stop. The world's most popular cuisine, authentic, natural, organic, Farm to Table... the Italians started, perfected or embraced it before it became a fad. This page is a guide to Italian Cooking... For the home cook!  So, Cin Cin (toast) and Buon Appetito (Enjoy your Meal) to you all and let's Cook authentic Italian!


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