Friday, October 7, 2011

Candy Corn Snack Mix ala Jane Deere

Happy Halloween!  You can almost smell the sugar in the air!

And this recipe could not be simpler...

1 part Candy Corn

1 part Peanuts (OK, I had a jar of Cashews, so I used Cashews)


And viola...

A cute, almost adult Halloween snack.  Tastes like a Payday Candy Bar!  It really does!  Store in airtight container so the candy corn does not get hard and nasty tasting.

 And this is also a recipe I found just yesterday on and was a terrific snack I had available for neighbors who were dropping in for a visit.  Storing this in a mason jar is perfect to keep fresh since...

As Stephen says, "Sometimes they come back".... BWahahahahaha

Click Jennifer's photo to see her
original post of this recipe
But I also made this snack as an opportunity to wish nothing but good thoughts for a blogging buddy, Jennifer of the Jane Deere Blog.  The day Jennifer originally posted her version of this recipe, that's her photo from her post (Click HERE)... Anyway, the day Jennifer made this post, she was making the big move from one home to a new house her family was buying in Houston.  No more exciting time, and nothing sadder to be starting fresh and leaving those friends and neighbors behind.

Between closing on the sale of her old place and the family closing on the buying of the new home, Jennifer, husband and three children will be living in close quarters in an RV (God help her).  Has to be a tough time for her.  So, nothing but good thoughts.

Click the logo to join in the Linky Fun every Friday
Even in the midst of all this upheaval in her life, Jennifer still takes the time to host her linky party, Fusion Friday.

If you have never been involved in a Linky event, they are very easy.  Just pick out a favorite recipe or DIY craft project and follow the simple directions to be a part.  Linky parties are a great way to be seen and to see other's talents.  Jennifer's is among the best!

So, take a minute, stop by her blog and say hi!

I am pretty sure she would appreciate the good thoughts!

And while you are saying hi, take a jump over to "Jane Deere",take a look through her blog and tell her "Hi" from me.

And for a quick look at what she blogs, click on the logo link image to the right.  You will see all the eRecipeCards that Dee has submitted to  You can add her recipes to your eRecipeBox (once you have a free to set up account).

See how useful the site is and how easy it is to find new favorite bloggers!

These posts continue to highlight bloggers and recipes that I have found on  ""...


  1. Great idea for a helathy snack:)

  2. This is the only way I like candy corn. The salty aspect makes it taste better to me! Question: The Disney Cookbook you were giving away--did you ever choose a winner? Just wondering. Have a great weekend.

    Everyday Mom's Meals

  3. i really like your food pictures and want to invite you to try out it's for anyone that just wants another place to submit photos and share it will other foodies. It’s still in beta version, but would love for you to start adding some photos and help get it going.
